How to Boost your Career as a Salesforce Admin

We have good news for all you Salesforce Admins, the skills of Salesforce Administrators are in high demand with a range of employers. This is obviously good news for those of you looking for your next dream role, however it’s important to think about the various ways in which you can give your Salesforce career a boost and stand out from the other Admins on the market.

To save you some time, we have put together a list of top things that you can start implementing right away to give your career and CV a boost.

Salesforce Certifications

Salesforce certifications are a great way to demonstrate your skills and knowledge of the platform to potential employers. Taking the time to expand your knowledge and learn more about Salesforce, indicates that you are passionate and committed to your career. Certifications also help you to keep you ahead of the curve, standing out amongst your peers and could even enable you to command a higher salary.

Keep up to date

As one of the most advanced platforms that is constantly adapting and evolving, it can sometimes seem like a full-time job keeping up with the latest Salesforce updates. However, there are some simple things you can do to keep on top of these updates, without spending too much time researching about them.

Use social media – Twitter and LinkedIn are great ways of keeping up to date with the latest news, updates and changes in the Salesforce world. A great Twitter account to follow specifically for Salesforce Admins is: @SalesforceAdmins. Another great tip is to follow hashtags on LinkedIn, this will update you with posts that use hashtags based on your interests or career, some examples of great hashtags to follow would be; #Salesforce, #SFRepublic #SalesforceNews #SalesforceAdmin.

There are also plenty of helpful documents for Salesforce Admins in the Trailblazer Community.

Use your Salesforce Community

In his SalesforceQA, Aldo Fernandez, veteran and MVP says of the Salesforce Community “I have never witnessed a community so eager to share, contribute and help others as equals.” If you’re not already, then making the most of this incredibly generous and knowledgeable community, should be the first thing on your list as part of your career development.

It is crucial to take advantage of all the content your community has to offer, from Trailhead to meetups and social events – you really should be absorbing all that you can in terms of knowledge. It’s not just about learning from your peers either, if you have experienced an issue or learnt something that you think might benefit your community, share it where you can.

There is so much value in connecting with the Salesforce community, the sky really is the limit for things you can learn and the benefit this will have on your career.

Don’t shy away from new possibilities

Having the confidence to take on more responsibilities, whether this is within your remit, or something completely new, is an important part of career development. Don’t shy away from opportunities that might feel daunting.

Communicate to your team that you are ready to embrace additional work, you never know taking on additional work that’s outside your original remit, might result in a pay rise or promotion.

Rather than more responsibility in your current role, you may also wish to pursue new positions that will challenge you. These positions may be with your current employer or with a new employer. With a solid foundation of experience and certifications, employers are ready to hire Salesforce talent.


Are you ready to take your Salesforce Admin career to the next level? Contact our specialised Salesforce recruiters today to explore your opportunities.

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