4 Things Hiring Managers are Looking for During an Interview

Whether you’re just starting your job hunting or are an interview veteran, it is essential to put your best foot forward during the interview process as this is how the company decide whether or not to offer you the role.

To help you with your next job interview in the Salesforce ecosystem, we’ve listed 4 things hiring managers are looking out for during the interview process.


Hiring managers are easily able to recognise who is and isn’t prepared for their interview.

Being prepared for your interview helps you to articulate your points well as you are confident in what you want to get across. This is a great way to reduce feels of anxiety and stress around the interview process.

Preparing for the interview in advance will enable you to show in-depth knowledge of the job role as well as the organisation’s culture and values. Allowing you to highlight key areas of what you can bring to the role and the company.

The key to being prepared is conducting thorough research. But how do you know where to find this information? Don’t just look at the job description for information about the role, check out the company’s website, talk to current employees. Ask your recruitment consultant for the name of the person you will be meeting with and head over to their LinkedIn for a bit of investigating. Read articles and white papers to learn about the industry and competitors of the company. There are loads of resources available for your research.

But that’s not all. Having knowledge of the role and the company will allow you to formulate meaningful questions to ask prior to the interview and even ascertain whether the role is right for you.

Always prepare for your interview. Recruiters are a great resource when preparing for your interview as they also work closely with the company to ensure they find the right person for the role. Make use of recruiters and their knowledge.


Showcasing passion during the interview process conveys that you want the role.
Hiring managers are looking for people who can not only do the job from a technical standpoint but also for someone who will fit into the company culture. A key way to highlight your passion for the role is to prepare as this shows you are invested in the opportunity available.

You can show your passion during the interview not only for the role but also for the ecosystem. Passion for Salesforce can be empathised through any additional learning and activities you are part of. Do you write a blog? Are you a user group leader? Have you got any certifications?

Taking part in the opportunities available in the ecosystem further highlight continual learning that you can take into the role and apply where appropriate.
Your attitude during the interview process is another way to empathise your passion for the role. Remember to be enthusiastic.

Willingness to Learn

Whilst it is important to highlight that you have the required experience needed for the role, it is also key to showcase a willingness to learn.

This can be shown in the interview by listening to what the hiring manager has to say and asking responsive questions. Be inquisitive. Having already done your preparation and learnt about the role and organisation this is your opportunity to understand on a deeper level what is required from the role.

You might not have all the technical skills needed to fulfil the role, but highlighting your willingness to learn on the job is a great way to combat this.

Soft Skills

That being said, hiring managers are not only looking for technical ability, they are also looking for soft skills.

The pandemic has highlighted that having a human element within any technical role is important.

Key soft skills for the year include adaptability, resilience, communication and team work. During the interview talk about times when you had to use these skills to solve a problem or complete a project.


Our best advice before any interview is to prepare. During the interview remember to emphasise your soft skills, willingness to learn and passion for both the role and Salesforce.


If you are a talented tech professional looking for your next role, speak to our specialist consultants today!


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