The Technology Trends Changing Recruitment

Here at Third Republic we want to Introduce you to innovation, and running with it, is everyone’s responsibility, and a collective, progressive approach here can make the difference between catching the very best in the industry and losing them to a competitor.

Internal HR practices have to change too. As we have discussed, most resourcing methodologies and internal recruitment functions no longer cater for the needs and habits of today’s employees (often because they are working through agencies whose attitudes and approaches are equally antiquated). These out of date processes must give way to fluid, adaptable ones, that source more persistently, accurately, and effectively.

Candidates’ experiences of the recruitment process are now more critical than ever. Whether recruiter or client, your candidates’ experiences will define the perception people have of you and your brand, as they will publicly share their thoughts and opinions with peers and across networks.

For this reason, ‘hitting’ candidates with ‘perfect’ opportunities that do not fit their experience or needs, or wasting their time with recruiters who don’t understand their industry or role and just want to shoehorn them into the first available vacancy, is a recipe for disaster.

Businesses have to be much smarter than this. They need to understand the trends that we are seeing in the marketplace today and devise a clear set of actions to thrive in this new environment of work, worker, and workplace

The Fundamental Trends for Recruitment Change

We are experiencing a number of fundamental new trends in the recruitment industry. These are all having a seismic effect on core relationships and the recruitment dynamic:


In an era where people are interconnected, most employers are already linked to their future recruits without even knowing it. How can recruitment firms take advantage of this to source the best candidates for their clients?

Increased data availability

People’s increasingly public digital lives mean that there is plenty of employment-related intelligence available online – the time they have spent in their current role, their last promotion, career trajectory, work testimonials, and so on. Used properly, these insights can help a smart recruiter to identify which talent is most likely to move jobs, and the sort of opportunities they’re looking for. This is gold dust and will put them one step ahead of their competitors.

Shift in supply and demand, driven by exploding skills gaps

Plentiful jobs, but a lack of talent to fill them, frustrates today’s employers and Recruiters. As technologies continue to evolve and innovation occurs at rapid speed, there is a widening skills gap. Organisations are having to fight harder to recruit the people they desperately need. But recruitment firms’ scattergun advertising needs to be replaced by detailed insight and profiling, to avoid being screened out by candidates’ increasingly sensitive ‘marketing defence mechanisms’.


If you’re ready to join the cloud, speak to Third Republic today!

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